July 20th, 2010 -- Birth!
Weight - 9lbs
Height - 22 1/2 inches
Head - ??
August 24th, 2010 -- 1 month old!
Aiden -- Aiden has his one month check-up yesterday.
Weight- 10lbs 13 ounces - 75%
Height - 23 1/2 inches - 95%
Head - 15 inches - 50%
He also got his Hep B shot. Poor little guy turned BRIGHT red. Mom is NOT excited for next month when he gets his two month shots.
September 28th, 2010 -- 2 months old!
Weight - 14lbs 5 ounces - ^ 95%
Height - 25 1/4 inches - ^ 95%
Head- 15 5/8 inches - 25-50%
He had the series of 4 shots and one oral. He did awesome and didn't even cry until she switched legs and gave him his 3rd. Even then he cried for a few minutes but I was able to calm him down and then he slept! I was worried we would have a rough day but I woke up this morning to a huge smile on his face.
His pedi says that he is the size of a 4-5 month old and is already developmentally ahead of the scale. He is already grasping things and had crazy leg strength! She always tells us that he better play every sport out there! haha Besides that updates are he started smiling socially a few weeks ago and is now "talking" to us all the time. We went on our second road trip with him this past weekend up to Flagstaff and he loved it. He got fussy on the way back but that was because it was WAY past his normal bath/bed time!!