Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A million updates in one post!

I am awful at posting on here! The past month has been totally crazy for us! Aiden turned 3 months (CRAZY!!) Halloween came and went and it is now November 1st. Scary to think that a year ago I was pregnant and didn't know it yet! I am thrilled that this year I will be able to enjoy all the festivities. Last year my morning sickness started ON Thanksgiving and stayed around FAR too long!

Our little man was a pirate for Halloween. I went out to a party and down mill with friends and poor Daddy volunteered to stay home with the little man. Jake is always telling me that I need to go out and do stuff because I am with Aiden ALL THE TIME. It still feels weird going out without him though.

I have been trying to figure out what to get Aiden for Christmas. It's hard to decide what a (will be) 5 month old is going to enjoy. I think we are more excited for him! I really want to get him a play center and have been checking them out for a few weeks now! My Aunt and Uncle were talking about getting him a train as well. I have no idea where we are going to fit all this stuff but we'll figure something out!

Aiden is getting so big! He is crazy strong too! If we hold his hands and give him a little help he will pull himself up onto his feet. He also tries to sit up all the time. The other day he almost rolled off my lap because he was trying to sit up by himself. He ADORES his Daddy and gets the biggest smile when Jake walks in the room. He is also one of the only people that can get Aiden to crack up! I love watching them together.

My Cousin came in from Michigan. She took the train, something that I have always wanted to do! We decided to take a day trip up to Sedona with my mom, sister and her. On the way we stopped at Montezuma castle. It was amazing!! The ride was nice and Aiden did fantastic considering he was in his car seat the majority of the time! He only really got fussy the last 30 minutes when we were stuck in nasty traffic. Auntie Sarah and I managed to keep him pretty calm though.

School is going well but I'm trying not to get distracted with the upcoming holidays. I am so excited that I am busy thinking about the next couple of months I have really had to get on myself to get my homework done. I also need to get back on the my workout plan. I am ready to lose this baby weight! People always told me that "if you breastfeed it will FLY off you" well I lost all by baby weight in the first 2 weeks. However, I gained about 6 of it back. My Dr said that some women have the body type that stores more fat because it knows that a lot of its nutrients are going to the baby. Lucky me being one of those women!! Oh well!!

Anyways, here are some pictures from this month, I will post more later when I upload the million I have on my camera.

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