Friday, August 5, 2011


Well life has been a little insane to say the least. I mean I haven't updated in almost 3 months!!! I'd say I am a little far behind.

Where to begin! ..... AIDEN of course! We just celebrated his 1st birthday and it was beyond a blast! The theme was jungle and we had way too much fun with it. I am really kicking myself now because I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off so much that day that we didn't take the amount or kind of pictures that I wanted. We recorded him opening presents but of course that's on the video recorder and I have no idea how to get it on here! We had about 30 people there and it was pretty crowded and Aiden got spoiled, of course. We got some really awesome toys along with adorable clothes and books! My sister and I made the cake for him and it turned out so much better than we had hoped!


**The animals on the cake are made out of fondant, I went WAY all out for this party but I had a lot of fun making them all week. I supposed I may have doubted my artsy side after all :)

I will try to post pictures later of his actual party, as for now it's all about updating!

More Aiden: He is walking like crazy, I can't remember if I posted something about him walking last time but we can't control him now! :) He has been walking amazingly since about June 3rd. Now he is practically running! He is such a happy baby...toddler...kid....I never know what to call him anymore! His hair is just getting curlier and I have no intention of cutting it yet! We bought him a potty the other day, yes I know he is really young and I have no high hopes he will use it soon but he is SO interested in the bathroom so I figured why not introduce it early? Guess what all you skeptics? He LOVES it! :)
He's an awesome eater and will try just about anything. His newest obsession Jake accidentally found out while wondering Fry's the other day, he thinks peaches are the worlds greatest things. The other day he ate THREE!! Now he usually has one every morning. I just give him the whole peach and he goes to town. When he gets to the middle he holds it up so I can take the pit out for him. He has 5 teeth now. He didn't have a single one until May 31st when his 1st on came in making him 10 months. As of his 1st birthday he had 5!
I have been slowly teaching him sign. We started with the basics, please and eat. So far he is starting to get "please" and started doing it if I tell him to, now I just have to get him to do it on his own! :)

My turn! School is about to start at the end of this month and I am all ball of emotions! I am so excited that I have made it this far but terrified that I am going to fail miserably! I have only ever really taken classes online through a community college and let's be real, they are a lot easier than a real university! I'll be okay though! :) We are still living in our tiny 1 bedroom, we spent a week looking for a new place to live only to get offered the apartment we wanted (2/2 downstairs) at our current complex and decided to stay! We love it here, it's so quiet and very family orientated! So we aren't moving into that apartment until November (11/11/11 to be exact!) but that's okay!! On other news with me, I have officially lost 28lbs! I have been doing the "17 day diet" for the past few months and it has totally changed my eating habits. I am for the first time, really proud of my body, considering that I had a 9lb baby in there! ;) Clothes shopping is now fun again and today I found out that I fit into the size that I haven't worn since high school. I actually weigh less now than I did before I got pregnant! Granted my stomach is still not, nor will it ever be, what it was pre Aiden but I am thrilled with my results. I still want to lose another 15-20lbs!

Wedding!! I am finally ECSTATIC to say that we are officially getting married in HAWAII!! We booked our beach house last week and that really set things in stone. We decided that renting a beach house instead of staying in a hotel would not only be that much more amazing but save us so much money! (Turns out it's totally true, we are staying directly on the beach, meaning you take 5 steps and there you are, we are going to save money by making our own food and we can just hang out and relax instead of being swarmed by everyone else staying at the hotel) It's hard to believe that my dream wedding is coming true. We went back and forth about it, really since we first got engaged. We finally decided because honestly this is my dream to get married on the beach. Since we are paying for our own wedding we figured instead of spending the bare minimum here and not having the wedding we truly want, why not spend the same and get married in one of the most amazing places in the world!?!? We are still going to come back here and have a "reception/dinner party" for everyone that couldn't make it. I have run into one big problem though, my wedding dress is TWO sizes too big now! I bought my dress before I lost all that weight. When I was buying it I told them I wanted to lose weight and of course I'm sure they hear that all the time so they told me to just buy the size I was then. Now 2 sizes smaller, they won't get me exchange my dress for a smaller one. I'm worried that if I really lose another 15-20lbs my dress is going to cost an arm and a leg to get it altered or at worst, look bad because it had to be taken in so much! AGH!

Well that is A LOT! For now, I will post pictures soon I promise! Actually I might just post a giant posting of all pictures! :)

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