Sunday, September 18, 2011

Busy life!

Just a quick update before bed, even though I have been sleeping terribly lately. I just get into bed and even though I am tired and know that Aiden is going to wake me up at 6am I lie there and think and think...and think! Drives me crazy! Anyways....

School...I LOVE my cohort and so far the people are pretty fantastic. Classes are pretty interesting and I really enjoy my teachers so far! A little stressed about having to do 45 hours of in a classroom time only because I don't know who is going to watch Aiden. We're still figuring everything out! Right now I go twice a week till 10pm so Jake and Aiden have bonding time on those days. Someone the other day asked me if I drive all the way up to NAU twice a week! That would be so awful, actually I wouldn't do that, I don't care how much I wanted to go to this school! haha

Wedding...pretty much the same as last time, we are at 6 months left! I can't believe that! I have to contact the Hawaii wedding service and put our deposit down and finalize a few other things that we customized to our package. One of my friends in my cohort asked me if I was going to change my name, I didn't even realize what she was talking about for a second. It's just so crazy to think that I am getting married so soon!! I need to go see if my dress is going to be too much to get altered. I still want to lose another 15 lbs before that though!! (I would be content with 10)

Now the reason you are actually here....Aiden!

He is SUCH a smart kid...and I know I'm his mother so I might should bias but smart. Today alone he learned two new signs..."milk" and "all done" we showed him maybe 3 times and he got it! So as of now he knows, milk, all done, please,  and eat. Next is thanks you and something along the lines of diaper so he can start telling me when he needs to be changed. Once he starts telling me he needs to be changed we can probably start working on potty training. People have been asking me recently what the point is to teach him sign. Well, it's so he can communicate! When he cries and I'm not sure what he wants, I can ask him and he signs "eat"...then I know! Plus I've heard it's good for kids to know sign! Whatever its cute :)

He talks quite a bit...the words he says are:
Ball (1st word)
hot (and he associates it with hot things like the stove and my straighter and the iron along with hot food) :)

I am totally blanking on the others...I hadn't written them down before!!

He is almost running, crazy child! We are moving into our new apartment in a little over a month and I am so thrilled I have a countdown going! Aiden is going to have his own room, which I am nervous about, but more importantly we are going to have so much more space!!!! I am nervous about Aiden's amazing sleeping schedule getting messed up when we move because he will have his own room for the 1st time. As of now at about 7:45-8 we tell him "it's bed time" and he says "bed" and points to the room then follows one of us in there, we rock him for about 5-10 minutes and put him in bed usually still awake. He rolls right over and goes to sleep. We honestly don't even need to rock him anymore I just love the bed time snuggles! :) So I actually think I am more nervous about his new room than he is going to be!

Aiden is one of the most affectionate kids I know! My sister's boyfriend's... nephew (haha) isn't a hugger or a kisser. I don't know what I would do if Aiden didn't love giving hugs or kisses.

Aiden has also become very obsessed with books. (Great thing to be obsessed with if you ask me!) We have a stockpile of books in our front room which are always all over the floor by the end of the day! He will say "book" walk over and get one, bring it to me, climb in my lap and sign AND say "please". How can you resist that!? Even if he wants to read the same two books over and over and over!

Jake told me today that it's time for his first haircut. I have been putting it off for fear of all his amazing curls to disappear but I think it's time. It's starting to get a little crazy and when we give him a bath at night it's in his eyes because it's so long!

Anyways, I can't think of anything else at the moment! Night!

Monday, August 22, 2011

We never win anything..time for a change! :)

Well Jake and I entered a free photo contest today for an engagement/couples session by this FANTASTIC photographer in our area. I have followed his work for a while now and when I saw this opportunity I jumped at it like a crazy person! Money is pretty tight so paying for him to take our pictures is pretty much out of the question. I am trying to BEG everyone on my facebook to go "like" our picture because that is how you "vote" but who knows.

Jake and I were joking around that we never win anything. I told him that it was time for a change and this would be a fantastic first!!! :)

Keep your fingers crossed that we win!

In anyone is feeling in the mood for some voting here is what you do.....

1.) Go to this link ......
 2.) "Like the photographers page -- he's fantastic! :)
3.) Go to this picture....      That's obviously Jake and I :)

4.) "Like" the picture! BAM...done! See how easy that is and you just made me a very happy person!

:) :) :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

The carseat

We are letting a close friend borrow Aiden's old car seat for their new baby girl Zia. They bought a larger convertible car seat but realized after having her that they just weren't comfortable with the way she sits in it. We pulled it out to have it ready for them when they came over to get it and this is what Aiden did.....


Almost like saying... "No Mom, this is my car seat!!" So cute right? Here is another pictures of him using it as a chair...


Jake and I agreed that it might be time to get him his own chair...we have our eyes set on something like this...


We can't decide but really like the idea of personalizing one for him! 

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Our dancing king!

Aiden is by far the best dancer I have ever seen ;) I love watching him dance, whenever a song come on he will automatically point his hand in the air and start dancing...kinda like this......

My kid cracks me up!

Friday, August 5, 2011

1st birthday bliss!

Here are some pictures of Aiden's first "jungle" birthday! :) Like I said in my catch up post, I was bummed that we didn't take as many pictures of other things besides opening presents! Like of the AMAZING balloons that you can see in the background. He LOVED them and we still have two floating around out living room. They are about the size of him. Fantastic 1st birthday, I was jealous! ;)


Do you see what I mean though, most of them are of him opening presents. There aren't any of Aiden with friends/family! I totally failed! haha

Picture overload!

Here you go, like I said, a post of a million pictures from the past 3 months! :)

Engagement and Aiden's 1 year pictures in the same day!


Other random pictures....
