Sunday, January 23, 2011

6 month update!

Well we have one BIG boy on our hands. We had his 6 month check up on the day he turned 6 months, I guess I could call that his "birthday" but that just sounds strange. Anyways, his Dr was totally shocked at how well he is doing considered he is TOTALLY breastfed. He is 29 3/4 inches and weights 22 lbs 10.5 ounces!! When they charted his stats he was WAY off and is measuring the size of an "average" 14 month old!!! When we asked her if she could give us a rough estimate about how tall she thought he was going to be she only said, "enormous."

Our little man is growing up so fast and it scares me more and more everyday. The bigger he gets the less time I have with him wanting to snuggle up with Mommy. Maybe I'll get lucky when he's older and still want to snuggle with me! haha


And here is a video of the funny faces we get when he eats or in this case, tries juice! The video of him eating his first solid food is on my other camera and I will have to upload it later! :)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Vacation time in Show Low!


The morning after Christmas we all woke up about 4:30am and packed up everything along with 6 other people and headed up to Jake's Aunt and Uncles cabin for a few days.


I was so thrilled to be getting out of town!! It took about 3 hours to get up there and I was really worried about how Aiden would do. Once again our little man surprised us all (I don't know why we keep doubting him!) He slept for most of the way and didn't cry at all. By the time we got up there he had not eaten in over 4 1/2 hours and he was so excited about the new place he wasn't even interested when I tried to feed him. There wasn't any snow when we got up there but it was still freezing and gorgeous!

Here are some pictures!


Aiden's first Christmas!

The days leading up to Christmas were pretty crazy. Jake had a few days off before so we got to spend lots of time with him and Aiden LOVED it. We spent a lot of time with family and Aiden did so awesome. I thought that because of how screwed up his sleeping schedule was he was going to be a terror but instead we got this....


The Thursday before Christmas we went to Jake's Aunt and Uncles to spend time with them and open presents. We had a blast and took lots of pictures!!

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Christmas Eve we had dinner at a friends house with the family and then everyone went to midnight mass (except up, we weren't going to press our luck with Aiden) The next morning we slept in, then headed over to Jake's parents where we opened presents there and spend the morning. In the afternoon we went to my Aunt and Uncles and had Christmas there. Aiden was SPOILED!!!!!! He got so much stuff it's hard to believe. We didn't get any pictures unfortunately but it's all on video! :)

We had an awesome Christmas and I'm glad that Aiden was old enough to somewhat understand what was going on. He LOVED ripping the paper off his new toys!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


I feel like we have been together forever and yet it hasn't even been two years yet. I think that having a baby really makes your days fly by and a relationship's time seem so much longer. I knew he had gotten me something from Kay for Christmas, I was almost positive that he had gotten me a ring and I was ecstatic! He had hidden the present at his parents house, had it shipped to work and taken every precaution to make sure I didn't see it. Finally on Christmas I opened my present! It was earrings. Now I didn't want to sound ungrateful but I was totally bummed. (I actually almost cried!) Even if he wasn't going to buy me a ring I was at least expecting something more...Jake. And Jake IS NOT the type to buy me earrings. My mom told me later that I looked so devastated that she almost told me flat out! I tried so hard to not let him know how bummed I was but he knew.

The morning after Christmas we left for Show Low where his Aunt and Uncle own a gorgeous cabin. That night we were all watching "Monster in Law" and after it was over Jake started acting really funny, almost hyper. He as bouncing around and kept saying stuff like "Wanna get married" I jokingly said "oh yeah of course, where is my ring?? That's not funny!!" That's when he pulled out the ring and said, "No really, will you marry me?" I just about had a heart attack, I didn't even know what to say. I had been totally fooled! I always thought that when I was about to get engaged I would know it was coming, NOPE! He and everyone else who knew did an awesome job at hiding it from me!!

So, needless to say I am in love with the ring. I always thought that I wanted some huge diamond but my ring is only 1/2 a carrot and I LOVE it. After scratching Aiden a few times with my other ring I had told him that I wanted something much smaller and he hit it right on the money!


And now the planning begins.....