Saturday, November 20, 2010

4 months!!!

Aiden is 4 months today. It's incredibly hard to believe!!

He went from this.....


To this.....


He has changed so much in that past few weeks as well. Constantly smiling, cooing and recently started laughing. He is grabbing everything and trying to put it in his mouth. I think he is getting his first cold. :( He has his 4 month check-up on Tuesday! I am guessing that he weights AT LEAST 18 lbs!!

He is asleep in my arms right now and typing with one hand is never fun so I will post more later!

Uncle Larry!!

Yesterday while having "sister day" like every Friday, my sister and I were hanging out at my parents. After making breakfast we were all sitting around talking. Sarah and I were watching a video and Larry was making faces at Aiden, all of a sudden he started CRACKING up!! I have never heard Aiden laugh this hard and all my brother was doing was laughing back.

We got it on video!! (Don't mind my sister and I's annoying voices!!)

It was pretty much the cutest thing ever! Apparently Aiden discovered his Uncle Larry and LOVED him! :)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

One year ago...

One year ago today we found out just how much our lives were about to be changed...and blessed. I remember that I had been feeling "off" for a few weeks. Really moody, tired and sore. I had began a new workout schedule and had already lost about 10 pounds when it suddenly stopped. I figured it was just my body being stubborn and not used to the changes. Then I realized that my period was late. I have always had a VERY irregular period so a few days off wasn't really out of the ordinary but according to the application on my phone, I was almost a week late and didn't even have the normal before period signs.

I finally decided that it was time to stop putting off taking the test. I made sure I got the test that reads "yes/no." None of this plus sign stuff! I took it, left it in the bathroom and went in my room. I remember sitting there wishing I hadn't decided to take it alone and had waited for Jake to get home.

"YES" those three little letters that forever changed my life. I honestly don't remember what I thought about the minute I saw that, I just picked up my phone, texted my friend and called another. I was scared to tell Jake, even though he should have been the first to know I was scared he was going to be mad. He was the COMPLETE opposite. Now looking back it was exactly what I should have been expecting. When I told him I used the good old "We need to talk." He joking said, "What are you pregnant?" I didn't say anything, he looked at my stomach, up at me and just smiled. He picked me up and spun me around like in one of those cheesy movies.

One year and a million emotions later I could not be happier. Aiden has not only changed our lives but made it so much better. I can't imagine my life without him. I realize that he has a ton of growing up to do but I try to enjoy everyday with him because I already see how fast it's going.

So today I think about that day a year ago when I had no idea how much my life was about to change and become so much better!

We love you little guy!


Friday, November 12, 2010

Daddy love

Phone picturedPhone pictured
Phone picturedPhone pictured

My boy LOVES his Daddy! I am pretty sure he is now aware that Daddy is only home a little bit of the day and he soaks up every minute. When Jake walks in the house Aiden will watch him like a hawk. He adores him and it doesn't take much for him to give his dad a HUGE grin. To be totally honest, Jake was the one who got him to giggle first. Mommy got the first smile out of him but Daddy struck up his first laugh. I love watching them together and I am so thankful that Jake is such an amazing Dad.


Aiden is becoming more and more interactive. We recently bought him a Sofie.....

Phone pictured

As you can see from this picture it was an awesome investment! She is a teething toy but for some reason he adores her. He chews on her like there is no tomorrow and she is easy for his to hold onto. Another toy that has been an awesome investment...

Phone pictured
...the frog!! We picked this up at Target to keep him more entertained on those car rides. Well when you push the frogs eyes he starts singing and Aiden recently figured that out. We were sitting in a restaurant and it went off. I looked over and he was smiling and oh so proud of himself for figuring it out!!


We have been doing more and more tummy time recently. He hates it less and less everyday but still gets frustrated after about 10 minutes because he can't see everything!

Phone picturedPhone pictured

On other updates:
~We are taking our first trip to the Zoo tomorrow and I think I am more excited than he is!
~Aiden has his 4 month check up next week and I am not looking forward to his next round of shots. He did so awesome last time and I was more upset than he was! haha
~Aiden is getting pictures done on Monday by our friend who is a photographer. I am not even going to try and hide this, I am in love with pictures of my kid. If you came over to your house it would be obvious as well. Our walls are covered in Aiden pictures.

Well that is all for now, I will be posting pictures that I take tomorrow at the zoo!! We get to see the Koala bears!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Halloween 2010!

AAARRRGGGGG!! Aiden was a pirate and a cute one at that! :) We didn't really take him anywhere because he is so young but we have a lot of years of trick or treating ahead of us! Here are some pictures of the little man!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A million updates in one post!

I am awful at posting on here! The past month has been totally crazy for us! Aiden turned 3 months (CRAZY!!) Halloween came and went and it is now November 1st. Scary to think that a year ago I was pregnant and didn't know it yet! I am thrilled that this year I will be able to enjoy all the festivities. Last year my morning sickness started ON Thanksgiving and stayed around FAR too long!

Our little man was a pirate for Halloween. I went out to a party and down mill with friends and poor Daddy volunteered to stay home with the little man. Jake is always telling me that I need to go out and do stuff because I am with Aiden ALL THE TIME. It still feels weird going out without him though.

I have been trying to figure out what to get Aiden for Christmas. It's hard to decide what a (will be) 5 month old is going to enjoy. I think we are more excited for him! I really want to get him a play center and have been checking them out for a few weeks now! My Aunt and Uncle were talking about getting him a train as well. I have no idea where we are going to fit all this stuff but we'll figure something out!

Aiden is getting so big! He is crazy strong too! If we hold his hands and give him a little help he will pull himself up onto his feet. He also tries to sit up all the time. The other day he almost rolled off my lap because he was trying to sit up by himself. He ADORES his Daddy and gets the biggest smile when Jake walks in the room. He is also one of the only people that can get Aiden to crack up! I love watching them together.

My Cousin came in from Michigan. She took the train, something that I have always wanted to do! We decided to take a day trip up to Sedona with my mom, sister and her. On the way we stopped at Montezuma castle. It was amazing!! The ride was nice and Aiden did fantastic considering he was in his car seat the majority of the time! He only really got fussy the last 30 minutes when we were stuck in nasty traffic. Auntie Sarah and I managed to keep him pretty calm though.

School is going well but I'm trying not to get distracted with the upcoming holidays. I am so excited that I am busy thinking about the next couple of months I have really had to get on myself to get my homework done. I also need to get back on the my workout plan. I am ready to lose this baby weight! People always told me that "if you breastfeed it will FLY off you" well I lost all by baby weight in the first 2 weeks. However, I gained about 6 of it back. My Dr said that some women have the body type that stores more fat because it knows that a lot of its nutrients are going to the baby. Lucky me being one of those women!! Oh well!!

Anyways, here are some pictures from this month, I will post more later when I upload the million I have on my camera.