Sunday, March 28, 2010

24 weeks today!!

I can't believe that I am already 24 weeks!! It's crazy how fast it's going. I have another "baby doctor" appointment tomorrow, I love hearing his heartbeat. He has been such an active little guy the last week. I swear he has yoga sessions at least twice a day! :)

My cat isn't liking the big belly so much though, he tries to lay in my lap and can't get comfortable because my belly pushes him off. It's quite funny watching him move around.

My appetite has finally picked up. After throwing up and living off of grapes for the first 16 weeks I was pregnant, it's nice to be able to eat! I'm loving being pregnant, hating already being uncomfortable! :)

Saturday, March 20, 2010

First baby furniture, first outfit!

So since we already have our crib, thanks to my parents giving us the one my grandpa made. (we all used it when we were kids and is still in AMAZING shape not to mention built to last forever) We went online and bought the changing table, finally got it a few days ago and last night put it together. Only to find out that the bottoms to the drawers are missing! Thankfully, the rest of it was in the box so we could put everything else together but I was kinda bummed. Looks like southshore will be getting a call from me today! On the bright side, I love it and it's the perfect height for my boyfriend and I.

Right after we found out what we were having we went and bought him his first outfit. I saw this one and was in love, it's so cute I couldn't pass it up! Thankfully they are starting to make a lot more cute clothes for little boys and not just saving all of it for girls! "Buy buy baby" is where we got it and I am totally in love with that store!!!!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

22 weeks today!!!!

It feels so unreal that I am already 22 weeks. I am getting HUGE too! I will have to take a picture but just from last week I got MASSIVE! I love my baby far! :) haha

On another note, my sister and I started making my baby shower invites, they are so damn cute! They are going to take a lot of work but they will be worth it at the end! :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Baby shower invites

So I have been getting SOOO excited about making my baby shower invites, we decided to make them because I have a pretty artistic family and it will give me something to do! AND... I actually ended up buying the most adorable baby shoes! They make me so excited!!!!

Anyways, I found these AMAZING baby shower invites online, they are in the shape of a diaper. They are also $2.50 each!! So I made a stencil and I am just going to make a whole bunch of them! Then head up to Michaels and buy a whole bunch of cute stickers and stuff to make them adorable! Here is where I got my ideas from!

ADORABLE HUH!?!?! I love making art projects so this is going to be sooo much fun for me! I am also going to make him his first baby blanket. I was walking around looking at them at the store and they are so expensive and not really that cute! :)

Monday, March 8, 2010

Our new beginning....

In November my boyfriend and I found out we are going to be expecting our first little bundle of joy! I suspected that I was pregnant so I took a test, after setting in on top of the toilet I walked into my room and waited those intense 3 minutes. As I stared over that toilet I realized just how much my life was about to change! When I told him I was pregnant he looked down at my stomach, back and me, picked me up and spun me around. He was so excited he wanted to call everyone and fill them in but I told him that we need to be 100% sure! We made an appointment and the next day it was confirmed! We told our parents and although it was a shock they were excited.

Thanksgiving DAY the morning sickness hit....I was so terrible I thought I was going to die. Well this went on for MONTHS, it was not until I was 16 weeks that I was finally able to get out of bed and away from the toilet! I had lost 10 pounds and was on anti-nausea medication!

We found out we are having a little boy on February 25th and it was one of the most amazing experiences ever. Just seeing my little man squirm around in there! He already has some LONG legs, which isn't much of a surprise, my boyfriend and I are both really TALL!

Well, now I am 21 weeks and loving every minute of it! We chose the name Aiden Jacob, and he is a kicker! He moves around so much in there and I have even been able to see his kicks from the outside. It is amazing and I can't wait for him to be here but I am going to miss moments like this.