Saturday, May 29, 2010

33 week update!

Well I am officially 33 weeks as of midnight. Our little man is doing awesome and is a CRAZY child! He moves around pretty much all day now, it still absolutely blows my mind.

Baby shower #1 was so much fun! We got a lot of awesome stuff! There is only a small list of stuff that we still need before he gets here. My next shower isn't until I am 37 weeks, that should be interesting. I am going to be HUGE but it's okay. :)

We have our growth ultrasound on Tuesday so we'll get to see our little man and they will hopefully have a good idea of what his birth weight is going to be. I am crossing my fingers it won't be anything over 9 lbs! (Wishful thinking according to everyone) I am so excited to see him, it's been forever and I'm so anxious to see how different he looks. Well I will update again after we have our ultrasound on Tuesday!

Here are some pictures from the baby shower :)

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