Wednesday, November 17, 2010

One year ago...

One year ago today we found out just how much our lives were about to be changed...and blessed. I remember that I had been feeling "off" for a few weeks. Really moody, tired and sore. I had began a new workout schedule and had already lost about 10 pounds when it suddenly stopped. I figured it was just my body being stubborn and not used to the changes. Then I realized that my period was late. I have always had a VERY irregular period so a few days off wasn't really out of the ordinary but according to the application on my phone, I was almost a week late and didn't even have the normal before period signs.

I finally decided that it was time to stop putting off taking the test. I made sure I got the test that reads "yes/no." None of this plus sign stuff! I took it, left it in the bathroom and went in my room. I remember sitting there wishing I hadn't decided to take it alone and had waited for Jake to get home.

"YES" those three little letters that forever changed my life. I honestly don't remember what I thought about the minute I saw that, I just picked up my phone, texted my friend and called another. I was scared to tell Jake, even though he should have been the first to know I was scared he was going to be mad. He was the COMPLETE opposite. Now looking back it was exactly what I should have been expecting. When I told him I used the good old "We need to talk." He joking said, "What are you pregnant?" I didn't say anything, he looked at my stomach, up at me and just smiled. He picked me up and spun me around like in one of those cheesy movies.

One year and a million emotions later I could not be happier. Aiden has not only changed our lives but made it so much better. I can't imagine my life without him. I realize that he has a ton of growing up to do but I try to enjoy everyday with him because I already see how fast it's going.

So today I think about that day a year ago when I had no idea how much my life was about to change and become so much better!

We love you little guy!


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