Thursday, March 11, 2010

Baby shower invites

So I have been getting SOOO excited about making my baby shower invites, we decided to make them because I have a pretty artistic family and it will give me something to do! AND... I actually ended up buying the most adorable baby shoes! They make me so excited!!!!

Anyways, I found these AMAZING baby shower invites online, they are in the shape of a diaper. They are also $2.50 each!! So I made a stencil and I am just going to make a whole bunch of them! Then head up to Michaels and buy a whole bunch of cute stickers and stuff to make them adorable! Here is where I got my ideas from!

ADORABLE HUH!?!?! I love making art projects so this is going to be sooo much fun for me! I am also going to make him his first baby blanket. I was walking around looking at them at the store and they are so expensive and not really that cute! :)

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