Saturday, March 20, 2010

First baby furniture, first outfit!

So since we already have our crib, thanks to my parents giving us the one my grandpa made. (we all used it when we were kids and is still in AMAZING shape not to mention built to last forever) We went online and bought the changing table, finally got it a few days ago and last night put it together. Only to find out that the bottoms to the drawers are missing! Thankfully, the rest of it was in the box so we could put everything else together but I was kinda bummed. Looks like southshore will be getting a call from me today! On the bright side, I love it and it's the perfect height for my boyfriend and I.

Right after we found out what we were having we went and bought him his first outfit. I saw this one and was in love, it's so cute I couldn't pass it up! Thankfully they are starting to make a lot more cute clothes for little boys and not just saving all of it for girls! "Buy buy baby" is where we got it and I am totally in love with that store!!!!

1 comment:

shay said...

Love the dino!! So cute!